
Story of the Day

Stories from the early years, the school years and his adult life as they occur.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Starting on a Good Note

O.K., let's get the basics out of the way . . .

Who am I? Well, I am a scientist, an educator and the mother of an autistic child. As a scientist I observe phenomena, form hypotheses, test, and using what I learn either continue in the same direction or throw out the hypothesis and start again. As an educator I teach others what I know and facilitate their learning of complex issues. As the mother of an autistic son, my most important job in this life is to make his better.

So, let's start the conversation on a high note. I have watched all my children graduate - from high school and colleges - and for each I was the proud mama. I want you to know right now that I witnessed Matt walk across that stage, shake hands with the principal and receive his diploma. He graduated number 4 in his class. Yep, let me say that again (because it feels really good), Matt graduated number 4 in his class! He has had a college course and will likely have more.

It was a long, hard road to that simple, single event. It didn't happen overnight, and yet now it feels that way. I didn't do it alone, and Matt didn't do it alone - so many to thank over the years.

This is the reason for this blog. I have always thought about writing a book for parents, but it seems I never find the time to just sit down and write. The idea of dredging up old memories (some painful) has been a deterrent also, but I have always wanted others to know it can be done. I have witnessed real progress in all areas of social ability and communication in my son that most people thought were impossible.

The blogs I write may not be in order - they will most likely be as memories come. I hope it doesn't get too confusing. Bear with me as I reveal the world according to Matt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.